Monday 1 June 2015

Big day of walking in Rome

Today we walked all the way to Piazza di Spagna. It has a lot of stairs it is really high, we walked down it twice.

 We were tired from walking so much so I had a granita it was orange flavour it was tangy.A granita is an icy cold drink. Alesssia had a ice cream the flavour was fruiti di bosco, it is fruits that come from forest.

 We went to the disney shop Alessia got a frozen doll I got cars.

 We went to a restaurant I had pizza Alessia had chips.

 We went to a restaurant called ginger I had a juice it was sweet.

 This man scared lots of people to get money, it made them laugh and we laughed so much too. Watch this funny funny video on what he did.
 We ate some chestnuts they were sweet and hot.

Alessia and I bought these slugs they can shoot.

We explored Villa Borghese, a garden park which has lots trees and shade.

 At the end of Villa Borghese, we saw the view in Rome. It was very high.

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